Harmonic Analysis and related topics
Celebrating Michael Lacey's birthday
June 13-17, 2022
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
This workshop aims to bring together experts in Harmonic Analysis and related fields. A Clay lecture will be delivered by Christoph Thiele. Organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.
The workshop will be held in hybrid format, with opportunities to take part online. We are happy to announce that most speakers tentatively agreed to give talks in person! Those who will speak virtually are indicated below.
The workshop takes place right after the El Escorial.
Confirmed speakers:
Alex Iosevich, University of Rochester
Amalia Culiuc, Amherst College
Andrei Lerner, Bar-Ilan University
Ben Krause, California Institute of Technology
Luz Roncal, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Betsy Stovall, University of Wisconsin-Madison (virtual talk)
Brett Wick, Washington University St. Louis
Christoph Thiele, HCM Bonn
Francesco Di Plinio, Washington University Saint Louis
Jill Pipher, Brown University
Laura Cladek, UCLA
Lillian Pierce, Duke University (virtual talk)
Tuomas Hytonen, University of Helsinki
Svitlana Mayboroda, University of Minnesota
Vladimir Temlyakov, University of South Carolina
Yumeng Ou, Baruch CUNY (virtual talk)
Schedule: TBA
Register here: